So I have been somewhat incognito for a while....ok for A LONG TIME. But I think things are looking up now. I'm in the process of starting my own event production company... and I've been meeting a rather large number of new people. The only sad thing is, I don't have nearly enough time to knit, sleep, sew, cook or eat for th
at matter. But it's ok I'll sleep when I'm dead right??? So while I'm still getting my life together, this is what I have:
I met this incredible person named Alain, who in fact is the hottest event planner in LA at this moment...and happily enough he's taking me unde
r his wing t
o teach me the ropes of the industry... Check out a party we did at Liberace's Penthouse in West Hollywood...let me tell you.. EXPERIENCE of a LIFEtIME!